The Best Gift Ever!

By Ken McEachern
Scott Brown
March 27, 2021

I am sure by now you have spent time with your family for Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year has now come, and even though it has been an unusual year, you have probably found a way to spend time with your family and friends.

At Christmas, most families eat together, sing together, open gifts together and enjoy time together. Maybe your family even got to worship together at a Christmas Eve service at your church or the church of a family member. However, I am sure one of the many highlights of your Christmas were the gifts.

Let’s all be honest, we love Christmas gifts! You may love receiving gifts, giving gifts, or like me, watching people open gifts and all the excitement and joy they have. As I have gotten older I have reached that age where I would rather give gifts than receive gifts ( I guess that is an old man thing).

Once again this year, the church I pastor has observed Advent. Advent is the season of expectancy and anticipation. Advent is also a time where we reflect on the fact that Christmas is the Father’s gift to all people. You see, the God of all creation gave us all that we need when He sent His Son Jesus born in a manger in Bethlehem. The gift of all gifts was given on that Holy Night. When God gave us Jesus, He gave us the gift of love, joy, hope, and peace.

Stop for a second and think about that? Is there really anything better than the gift God gave us? I mean really, is there anything that you need in life more than real love, joy, hope, and peace? If we are to be honest with ourselves, we have have to say NO!

My prayer for you, and for me, this coming year is that we truly would know the love of God, the joy of God, the hope of God, and the peace of God. The world will try to get you to be excited about all kinds of other gifts, but they will not bring love, joy, hope and peace.

God, the creator of the universe, has given all people the best gift ever, CHRISTMAS! If there were no Christmas, there would be absolutely nothing. The light of the world came at Christmas, and my prayer is that you know Him personally.

Merry Christmas,

Scott Brown

Isaiah 9:6-7

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